Independent filmmaker?
Cinema Neuf is launching a new concept, where we invite independent filmmakers to come screen their projects on our silver screen, and discuss the filmmaking afterwards! These will be held on saturdays, sporadically without any real consistency, as is the way of things here at Cinema Neuf 💛
Details and Terms:
(Subject to change)
- Available dates can be found on our program page
- We are primarily looking for Short-film contributions
- There will be no monetary compensation for any parties
- Applicants must apply via e-mail, and agree to have their name and the title of their work archived and displayed by Cinema Neuf
- The Showcases will be open to the public -- anyone can come see the screenings, and discuss the work
- Filmmakers who screen their works must be in attendance for the entire duration of the showcase, meaning they watch all the screenings, and stay for the talk thereafter
- The Cinema Neuf board will discuss and select submissions
If this sounds interesting, send us a mail at, and we will get back to you as soon as we can!